Thursday, May 17, 2018

Who's running the FBI Las Vegas Division; the Las Vegas Metro Police Department or the FBI? By Doug Poppa for the Baltimore Post-Examiner. May 17, 2018.

Las Vegas Police Department tells FBI to stop talking to Judge about corruption. By Doug Poppa for the Baltimore Post-Examiner. May 15, 2018.

Not so special Special Prosecutor gives convicted Las Vegas pimp a sweetheart deal. By Doug Poppa for the Baltimore Post-Examiner. May 15, 2018.

Retired Las Vegas Capt. Larry Burns disputes story that Lombardo asked his endorsement by offering him a position. By Doug Poppa for the Baltimore Post-Examiner. May 15, 2018.

Las Vegas sex trafficker in prison for life may be released amidst police corruption probe. By Doug Poppa for the Baltimore Post-Examiner. May 13, 2018.